Running ASLPrep via Singularity containers

Preparing a Singularity Image

Singularity version >= 2.5: If the version of Singularity installed on your HPC system is modern enough you can create a Singularity image directly on the system using the following command:

$ singularity build aslprep-<version>.simg docker://pennlinc/aslprep:<version>

where <version> should be replaced with the desired version of ASLPrep that you want to download.

Running a Singularity Image

If the data to be preprocessed is also on the HPC or a personal computer, you are ready to run ASLPrep.

$ singularity run --cleanenv aslprep.simg \
    path/to/data/dir path/to/output/dir \
    participant \
    --participant-label label

Handling environment variables

By default, Singularity interacts with all environment variables from the host. The host libraries could accidentally conflict with singularity variables. To avoid such a situation, it is recommended that you sue the --cleanenv or -e flag. For instance:

$ singularity run --cleanenv aslprep.simg \
    /work/789/asdf/ $WORK/output \
    participant \
    --participant-label 01

Relevant aspects of the $HOME directory within the container. By default, Singularity will bind the user’s $HOME directory on the host into the /home/$USER directory (or equivalent) in the container. Most of the times, it will also redefine the $HOME environment variable and update it to point to the corresponding mount point in /home/$USER. However, these defaults can be overwritten in your system. It is recommended that you check your settings with your system’s administrators. If your Singularity installation allows it, you can work around the $HOME specification combining the bind mounts argument (-B) with the home overwrite argument (--home) as follows:

$ singularity run -B $HOME:/home/aslprep --home /home/aslprep \
    --cleanenv aslprep.simg <aslprep arguments>