Outputs of ASLPrep

ASLPrep generates three broad classes of outputs:

  1. Visual QA (quality assessment) reports: one HTML per subject, that allows the user to conduct a thorough visual assessment of the raw and processed data. This also includes quality control measures.

  2. Derivatives (preprocessed data and computed CBF): the input ASL data ready for analysis, (i.e., after the various preparation procedures have been applied), the brain mask, and ASL images after masking has been applied. Other outputs include computed CBF maps and post-processed data such as denoised and partial volume-corrected CBF.

  3. Confounds and quality control metrics: a confounds matrix that includes framewise displacement, motion parameters, coregistration and registration quality indices, and CBF quality control metrics.


Assuming ASLPrep is invoked with:

aslprep <input_dir>/ <output_dir>/ participant [OPTIONS]

The outputs will be a BIDS Derivatives dataset of the form:


For each participant in the dataset, a directory of derivatives (sub-<label>/) and a visual report (sub-<label>.html) are generated. The log directory contains `citation boilerplate`_ text. dataset_description.json is a metadata file in which ASLPrep records metadata recommended by the BIDS standard.

Processing level

As of version 0.6.0, ASLPrep supports three levels of derivatives:

  • --level minimal: This processing mode aims to produce the smallest working directory and output dataset possible, while enabling all further processing results to be deterministically generated. Most components of the visual reports can be generated at this level, so the quality of preprocessing can be assessed. Because no resampling is done, confounds and carpetplots will be missing from the reports. ASL-reference-space CBF derivatives will automatically be generated if this level is selected.

  • --level resampling: This processing mode aims to produce additional derivatives that enable third-party resampling, resampling BOLD series in the working directory as needed, but these are not saved to the output directory. ASL-reference-space CBF derivatives will automatically be generated if this level is selected.

  • --level full: This processing mode aims to produce all derivatives that have previously been a part of the ASLPrep output dataset. This is the default processing level.

Visual Reports

ASLPrep outputs summary reports are written to <output dir>/sub-<label>.html. These reports provide a quick way to make visual inspection of the results easy. View a sample report.

Derivatives of ASLPrep

Preprocessed, or derivative, data are written to <output dir>/sub-<label>/[ses-<label>/]. The BIDS Derivatives specification describes the naming and metadata conventions that we follow.

Anatomical Derivatives

Anatomical derivatives are placed in each subject’s anat subfolder:


Spatially-standardized derivatives are denoted with a space label, such as MNI152NLin2009cAsym, while derivatives in the original T1w space omit the space- keyword.

T2w images are aligned to the anatomical (T1w) space, if found.


T2w derivatives are only generated if FreeSurfer processing is enabled.

Additionally, the following transforms are saved:


If FreeSurfer reconstructions are used, the following surface files are generated:


The registration spheres target fsaverage and fsLR spaces. If MSM is enabled (i.e., the --no-msm flag is not passed), then the msmsulc spheres are generated and used for creating space-fsLR derivatives.

And the affine translation (and inverse) between the original T1w sampling and FreeSurfer’s conformed space for surface reconstruction (fsnative) is stored in:


Finally, cortical thickness, curvature, and sulcal depth maps are converted to GIFTI and CIFTI-2:



GIFTI metric files follow the FreeSurfer conventions and are not modified by ASLPrep in any way.

The Human Connectome Project (HCP) inverts the sign of the curvature and sulcal depth maps. For consistency with HCP, ASLPrep follows these conventions and masks the medial wall of CIFTI-2 dscalar files.

FreeSurfer derivatives

If FreeSurfer is run, then a FreeSurfer subjects directory is created in <output dir>/sourcedata/freesurfer or the directory indicated with the --fs-subjects-dir flag. Additionally, FreeSurfer segmentations are resampled into the BOLD space, and lookup tables are provided.


Copies of the fsaverage subjects distributed with the running version of FreeSurfer are copied into this subjects directory, if any functional data are sampled to those subject spaces.

Note that the use of sourcedata/ recognizes FreeSurfer derivatives as an input to the ASLPrep workflow. This is strictly true when pre-computed FreeSurfer derivatives are provided either in the sourcedata/ directory or passed via the --fs-subjects-dir flag; if ASLPrep runs FreeSurfer, then there is a mutual dependency.

Perfusion Derivatives

ASL and CBF derivatives are stored in the perf/ subfolder:

      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-brain_mask.nii.gz  # asl brain mask
      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-preproc_asl.nii.gz  # preprocessed asl timeseries


The mask file is part of the minimal processing level. The ASL series is only generated at the full processing level.

Motion correction outputs.

Head-motion correction (HMC) produces a reference image to which all volumes are aligned, and a corresponding transform that maps the original ASL series to the reference image:

      <source_entities>_desc-hmc_aslref.nii.gz  # asl reference image for HMC
      <source_entities>_from-orig_to-aslref_mode-image_xfm.txt  # HMC transforms from raw ASL to aslref


Motion correction outputs are part of the minimal processing level.

Coregistration outputs.

Registration of the ASL series to the T1w image generates a further reference image and affine transform:



Coregistration outputs are part of the minimal processing level.

Fieldmap registration.

If a fieldmap is used for the correction of an ASL series, then a registration is calculated between the ASL series and the fieldmap. If, for example, the fieldmap is identified with "B0Identifier": "TOPUP", the generated transform will be named:


If the association is discovered through the IntendedFor field of the fieldmap metadata, then the transform will be given an auto-generated name:



Fieldmap registration outputs are part of the minimal processing level.

Regularly gridded outputs (images). Volumetric output spaces labels (space-<label> above, and in the following) include T1w and MNI152NLin2009cAsym (default).

Surfaces, segmentations and parcellations from FreeSurfer. If FreeSurfer reconstructions are used, the (aparc+)aseg segmentations are aligned to the subject’s T1w space and resampled to the ASL grid, and the ASL series are resampled to the mid-thickness surface mesh:


Surface output spaces include fsnative (full density subject-specific mesh), fsaverage and the down-sampled meshes fsaverage6 (41k vertices) and fsaverage5 (10k vertices, default).

Grayordinates files. CIFTI is a container format that holds both volumetric (regularly sampled in a grid) and surface (sampled on a triangular mesh) samples. Sub-cortical time series are sampled on a regular grid derived from one MNI template, while cortical time series are sampled on surfaces projected from the [Glasser2016] template. If CIFTI outputs are requested (with the --cifti-outputs argument), the ASL series are also saved as dtseries.nii CIFTI2 files:


CIFTI output resolution can be specified as an optional parameter after --cifti-output. By default, ‘91k’ outputs are produced and match up to the standard `HCP Pipelines`_ CIFTI output (91282 grayordinates @ 2mm). However, ‘170k’ outputs are also possible, and produce higher resolution CIFTI output (170494 grayordinates @ 1.6mm).

Cerebral blood flow (CBF) derivatives are generated in each of the volumetric spaces, surface spaces, and CIFTI2 resolutions requested for the preprocessed ASL data. For the sake of brevity, we only show the NIfTI outputs below, but these descriptions and suffixes apply to GIFTI and CIFTI outputs as well.

CBF Outputs:

      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_cbf.nii.gz  # mean CBF
      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-timeseries_cbf.nii.gz  # computed CBF timeseries
      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_att.nii.gz  # arterial transit time (multi-PLD data only)

If --scorescrub is used:

      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-scoreTimeseries_cbf.nii.gz  # CBF timeseries denoised with SCORE
      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-score_cbf.nii.gz  # mean CBF denoised with SCORE
      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-scrub_cbf.nii.gz  # mean CBF denoised with SCRUB

If --basil is used:

      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-basil_cbf.nii.gz  # mean CBF computed with BASIL
      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-basilGM_cbf.nii.gz  # GM partial volume corrected CBF with BASIL
      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_desc-basilWM_cbf.nii.gz  # WM partial volume corrected CBF with BASIL
      <source_entities>[_space-<label>]_att.nii.gz  # bolus arrival time/arterial transit time (in seconds)

ASL Confounds

For each ASL run processed with ASLPrep, an accompanying confounds file will be generated. `CBF Confounds`_ are saved as a TSV file:


These TSV tables look like the example below, where each row of the file corresponds to one time point found in the corresponding ASL time series:

std_dvars  dvars   framewise_displacement  trans_x trans_y trans_z rot_x   rot_y   rot_z
n/a        n/a     n/a     0       0       0       -0.00017029     0       0
1.168398   17.575331       0.0721193       0       0.0207752       0.0463124       -0.000270924    0       0
1.085204   16.323904       0.0348966       0       0       0.0457372       0       0       0
1.01591    15.281561       0.0333937       0.010164        -0.0103568      0.0424513       0       0       0.00019174

Confounds include the six head-motion parameters (three rotations and three translations), which are common outputs from the head-motion correction (also known as realignment). ASLPrep also generates framewise displacement, DVARS, and std_dvars. Confound variables calculated in ASLprep are stored separately for each subject, session and run in TSV files, with one column for each confound variable.

CBF Quality Control

ASLPrep produces a quality control (QC) file for each ASL run:


The following QC measures were estimated: framewise displacement and relative root mean square (relRMS). Other QC measurers include Dice and Jaccard indices, cross-correlation, coverage estimates of the coregistration quality of ASL and T1w images, and normalization quality of ASL image to the template. The quality evaluation index (QEI) was also computed for CBF [Sudipto Dolui 2016]. The QEI is included for objective quality evaluation of CBF maps. It quantifies the quality of the CBF image based on structural similarity, spatial variability, and percentage of voxels in gray matter with negative CBF values.

Parcellated CBF Results

ASLPrep produces parcellated CBP outputs using a series of atlases.

The atlases currently used in ASLPrep can be separated into three groups: subcortical, cortical, and combined cortical/subcortical. The two subcortical atlases are the Tian atlas (desc-Tian; Tian et al.[1]) and the CIFTI subcortical parcellation (desc-HCP). The cortical atlases are the Glasser [2] and the Gordon [3]. The combined cortical/subcortical atlases are 10 different resolutions of the 4S (Schaefer Supplemented with Subcortical Structures) atlas (desc-4S<*>56Parcels).

The 4S atlas combines the Schaefer 2018 cortical atlas (version v0143) [4] at 10 different resolutions (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 parcels) with the CIT168 subcortical atlas [5], the Diedrichson cerebellar atlas [6], the HCP thalamic atlas [7], and the amygdala and hippocampus parcels from the HCP CIFTI subcortical parcellation [8]. The 4S atlas is used in the same manner across three PennLINC BIDS Apps: ASLPrep, QSIPrep_, and XCP-D, to produce synchronized outputs across modalities. For more information about the 4S atlas, please see https://github.com/PennLINC/AtlasPack.

MNI152NLin6Asym-space atlases are warped to the ASL reference image space before parcellation. ASLPrep will output the MNI152NLin6Asym-space atlases to the output directory, as outputting the reference image-space versions would produce too many extra outputs.

