aslprep.utils.atlas module

Functions for working with atlases.


Get a list of atlases to be used for parcellation and functional connectivity analyses.

The actual list of files for the atlases is loaded from a different function.

NOTE: This is a Node function.


subset = {“all”, “subcortical”, “cortical”} – Description of the subset of atlases to collect. “cortical” atlases are ones with the cortex included, so they can be used for cortical-only data (e.g., cortical thickness). “subcortical” atlases are ones with only subcortical regions. “all” combines both lists of atlases.


List of atlases.

Return type:

list of str


Select atlas by name from aslprep/data using

All atlases are in MNI space.

NOTE: This is a Node function.


atlas_name ({“4S156Parcels”, “4S256Parcels”, “4S356Parcels”, “4S456Parcels”, “4S556Parcels”, “4S656Parcels”, “4S756Parcels”, “4S856Parcels”, “4S956Parcels”, “4S1056Parcels”, “Glasser”, “Gordon”, “Tian”, “HCP”}) – The name of the NIFTI atlas to fetch.


  • atlas_file (str) – Path to the atlas file.

  • atlas_labels_file (str) – Path to the atlas labels file.

  • atlas_metadata_file (str) – Path to the atlas metadata file.